Thursday, May 10, 2012

Fuck Mind Games

I feel like there is a necessary preface for the title. I, along with almost everybody, have had a considerable amount of frustrations with romance. So I do always have to keep in mind that the said girl I currently fancy has probably had her fair share of frustrating and painful times with love. And it is also worth noting that I overanalyze considerably more than I'd like to, so I'm probably incorrectly reading into the situation.

But here's a basic rundown.

Boy A likes Girl A.
Boy A tries (without being too clingy) to hang out with Girl A.
Girl A claims to be always busy but Boy A does believe her and has no reason to not believe her.
Boy A does try to make himself apparent in her life regardless, and Girl A seems to notice.
Girl A is quick to be awesome, sweet, funny, and cute sometimes. Seems fairly distant at other times.
Boy A investigates, infers, and asks about these inconsistencies, and gets a moderate grasp of them.
Girl A is not entirely over the last boy she liked, though (from what Boy A remembers) it has been a while since they dated.
Boy A feels disappointed because the 'last boy' was a pretty boy and Boy A is only moderately confident in himself.
Boy A convinces himself he's not into her, appears to be successful in killing feeling.
Girl A puts a BABE status profile pic.
Boy A's feelings come crashing back. Boy A regrets the returned feelings.
Boy A sees Girl A at movie. Both hang out and from Boy A's perspective, have an awesome yet unplanned time together.
Boy A sees her next day, tries to 'play it cool' and not talk to her. Does literally poke her, and she returns the poke before she leaves.
Boy A tries to understand if the poking thing was all along flirting (on his end it TOTALLY was/is) on Girl A's end.
Boy A calls next day and no answer.
Girl A responds through text.
Boy A asks her to do something.
Girl A again seems to be busy, with a slight mix of being distant.
Boy A begins to wonder if he is bothering Girl A.
On a later day, Boy A asks if she is doing something in the morning.
Girl A, again being busy, is apologetic and claims she is not doing it on purpose.
Boy A, disappointed but still understanding, responds saying it's no big deal but that he does want to do something because he enjoys hanging out with Girl A. (Ending with a smiley, hoping to seem somewhat obvious with what angle he is presenting her)
Girl A responds 'Yeah maybe some other time!'
Boy A response with 'Ok' because he can't accurately explain how he feels/what he thinks.


If only Girl A knew how much Boy A likes her... If only Girl A would be more direct with Boy A.
If only Boy A did not have these feelings... If only Boy A was content with his romantic situation.
Regardless, Boy A will always be there for Girl A as a friend. Because Boy A realizes that successful relationships always stem with friendships. Boy A hopes that this could eventually be kudos for his valiant effort with Girl A if Girl A ever discovers this. Boy A recognizes the futility of said effort due to the fact that both Boy and Girl A shall move away and be far away from each other. Boy A's stupid hopeless romantic side emerges over realistic Boy A. Boy A continues living, unsure and confused as always.


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